• Question: Why is science important?

    Asked by anon-195224 on 4 Jan 2019.
    • Photo: Reka Nagy

      Reka Nagy answered on 4 Jan 2019:

      It helps us advance as a species by taking a topic and answering questions such as:
      – how does a thing (or human, or animal, or cell) work
      – why they sometimes break
      – what can be done to fix them if they break
      – how they can be used to make new and exciting things that make life easier

      If there was nobody around to ask these questions, we would have probably all died a very long time ago. Not to mention we would not have the Internet, so you’d never have been able to ask this question in the first place 🙂

    • Photo: Gill Harrison

      Gill Harrison answered on 4 Jan 2019:

      Good question. If we didn’t have science then medicine would not have changed and people would die at a much younger age. Diseases changes all the time, so science is needed to find ways to diagnose and treat disease and give us all a chance at having a healthier and longer life. In the year 1900 the life expectancy was recorded to be less than 50 years old. It’s now about 80.

      Just one example is many, many years ago doctors had to taste a patient’s urine to test for diabetes (urgh!). Without science and research maybe that would still be the only way to do it.

    • Photo: Judith Sleeman

      Judith Sleeman answered on 4 Jan 2019:

      Maybe try turning your question around: can you think of anything in your life that doesn’t involve science? Your ‘phone; TV; tablets you take to cure a headache; the fridge to keep your food fresh; planes trains and automobiles! We’re surrounded by science all the time!
