• Question: What is your opinion about the evolution of humans?

    Asked by anon-195223 to James, Ed, Anthony on 3 Jan 2019.
    • Photo: Ed Morrison

      Ed Morrison answered on 3 Jan 2019:

      Not sure exactly what you would like to know.

      Humans evolved from a common ancestor with chimpanzees some 5-10 million years ago in Africa.

      Many changes occurred since then, not least walking on two legs and increasing brain volume about threefold.

    • Photo: James Cole

      James Cole answered on 8 Jan 2019:

      Human evolution is a fascinating subject, as Edward says, we ultimately evolved from a common ancestor with chimpanzees around 7 million years ago, with different species of human ancestor undergoing changes such as gradually walking on two legs, increasing brain size, producing material culture and using those tools to interact with the world around them. Those changes all eventually led to the appearance of our species (Homo sapiens) in Africa somewhere around 300 thousand years ago.
