• Question: How/why are related to other mammals

    Asked by anon-195747 to Kevin, Kat, James, Hannah, Ceri-Wyn, Anthony on 16 Jan 2019.
    • Photo: Anthony Redmond

      Anthony Redmond answered on 16 Jan 2019:

      We are related to other mammals through evolving from a common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos around 7 million years ago, though a number of now extinct human species existed in that time before our own species came to be! Ourselves, chimpanzees and bonobos belong to a larger group called great apes (also includes gorillas and orangutans), which are primates. Primates are firmly grouped within mammals, and our closest relatives are probably colugos (which are really cool and use flaps of skin to glide through the sky!)!

      Answering why is kind of complicated! This is a bit like wondering ‘why am I related to my family?’. Sometimes they might do things that make you ask yourself this… but at the end of the day you just are, because of how things happened in the past.

    • Photo: James Cole

      James Cole answered on 17 Jan 2019:

      Anthony has given a great answer here, thanks Anthony
